Appearance config

Appearance config controls the colours and the "looks and feel" of the TUI, it is located in ~/.config/youtube-tui/appearance.yml.

Example appearance config

borders: Rounded
  text: Reset
  text_special: Reset
  text_secondary: Reset
  text_error: LightRed
  outline: Reset
  outline_selected: LightBlue
  outline_hover: LightRed
  outline_secondary: LightYellow
  message_outline: '#FF7F00'
  message_error_outline: LightRed
  message_success_outline: LightGreen
    tag: Gray
    title: LightBlue
    description: Gray
    author: LightGreen
    viewcount: LightYellow
    length: LightCyan
    published: LightMagenta
    video_count: '#838DFF'
    sub_count: '#65FFBA'
    likes: '#C8FF81'
    genre: '#FF75D7'
    page_turner: Gray

Below are the description of each of the fields:


The style of the borders/outline, if outdated view here.

Accept: Plain/Rounded/Double/Thick

Literally everything else

Any colours, here are the 2 main represenations of colours, for more check out this page here.

Terminal colour

This can be modified by the themes of your terminal (e.g. white, green, etc).


Hex should be a string that starts with the # character, and can be from 000000 (black) to FFFFFF (white).

RGB color values has been deprecated