Commands config

The commands config file decides what options (that will run a certain command on select) to be display in the video and playlist page respectively, it is located in ~/.config/youtube-tui/commands.yml.

Example commands config

launch_command: loadpage library ;; flush ;; history clear ;; key Esc 0 ;; key Up 0 ;; key Up 0 ;; key Left 0 ;; key Enter 0 # the key commands select the searchbar on launch
- Reload updated video: run rm '~/.cache/youtube-tui/info/${id}.json' ;; video ${id} # remove the cached info first, then reload the page
- Play video: parrun ${video-player} '${embed-url}'
- Play audio: mpv stop ;; resume ;; mpv sprop loop-file no ;; mpv loadfile '${embed-url}' ;; echo mpv Player started
- Play audio (loop): mpv stop ;; resume ;; mpv sprop loop-file inf ;; mpv loadfile '${embed-url}' ;; echo mpv Player started
- View channel: channel ${channel-id}
- Subscribe to channel: sync ${channel-id}
- Open in browser: parrun ${browser} '${url}'
- Toggle bookmark: togglemark ${id}
- Save video to library: bookmark ${id} ;; run rm -rf '${save-path}${id}.*' ;; parrun ${terminal-emulator} ${youtube-downloader} '${embed-url}' -o '${save-path}%(title)s[%(id)s].%(ext)s'
- Save audio to library: bookmark ${id} ;; parrun rm -rf '${save-path}${id}.*' ;; parrun ${terminal-emulator} ${youtube-downloader} '${embed-url}' -x -o '${save-path}%(title)s[%(id)s].%(ext)s'
- 'Mode: ${provider}': switchprovider

# ...

The few required fields are:

  • video
  • saved_video
  • playlist
  • saved_playlist

Env variables

Notice that a lot of the commands contains the ${label} pattern, this actually replaces the text with the env variables set in main.yml, or is added by the current page (video or playlist) on-the-go.

Env reference

Does not include custom env set in main.yml.

urlsearch, popular, trending, video, playlistString url to the web page
idvideo, playlistString id of the video or playlist
channel-idvideo, playlistString id of the channel
embed-urlvideoString url to the embed video (required to play video using mpv from Invidious)
all-videosplaylistString urls separated by space to all embed videos in a playlist
hover-urltrending, popular, searchUrl of the currenly hovering item.
hover-idtrending, popular, searchUrl of the currenly hovering item.
hover-titletrending, popular, searchTitle of the currenly hovering item.
hover-channeltrending, popular, searchChannel name of the currenly hovering item.
hover-channel-idtrending, popular, searchChannel ID of the currenly hovering item.
hover-channeltrending, popular, searchUrl of the currenly hovering item.
hover-channel-idtrending, popular, searchUrl of the currenly hovering item.
hover-channel-urlfeedUrl of the currenly hovering channel.
hover-channel-idfeedID of the currenly hovering channel.
hover-video-urlfeedUrl of the currenly hovering video.
hover-video-idfeedID of the currenly hovering video.
all-idsplaylistIDs of all videos in a playlist, separated with space.
offline-pathSaved video and playlist onlyDirect path to saved file.
mpv-queuelistOnline playlists onlyValid mpv command to queue all videos in the list.
offline-queuelistSaved playlists onlyValid mpv command to queue all saved videos in the list.