
The YouTube TUI is not intended for Windows, pull requests to make it work are welcome. is a repository for programs written in Rust, and the YouTube TUI is available there.

To install using this method, you will need rustc and cargo present. Here's a tutorial on how to get them.

Now, run the following command:

cargo install youtube-tui

To check and update all programs installed from, you can use CLI tools like cargo-update.

The YouTube TUI is available in the AUR here.

Use an AUR helper like yay to install.

yay -S youtube-tui # lastest release, recommended
yay -S youtube-tui-git # latest git version, potentially untested
yay -S youtube-tui-full-bin # default binary (out of date)
yay -S youtube-tui-nodefaults-bin # minimal binary (out of date)

Add the following Nix code to your NixOS Configuration

environment.systemPackages = [
{ = "github:Siriusmart/youtube-tui";


Build from source

Use the cargo command:

cargo install --git

Confirm YouTube TUI has been installed

Run the following command in terminal:


If installed correctly, a TUI should be launched. Press q to close the TUI.


The TUI has features that can be enabled/disabled when compiling.

cargo install youtube-tui # install with all default features
cargo install youtube-tui --no-default-features # install without any features enabled
cargo install youtube-tui --no-default-features -F 'halfblock' # install with only HalfBlocks support (but not Sixels)
cargo install youtube-tui --no-default-features -F 'clipboard' -F 'sixel' # can install with multiple features by doing this
cargo install youtube-tui --all-features # install with all features (even if not included in default)

halfblock (default)

Display images through HalfBlocks, work best in terminals with TrueColour support.

sixel (default)

Display images with Sixels, allows the display of images at full definition. Not present on windows.

Enabling this will also enable halfblock.

Requires libsixel.

clipboard (default)

Allows clipboard pasting in commands and search bar.

Requires libxcb.

mpv (default)

Embedded audio player

Requires mpv (libmpv) to be installed in your system.