
Commands can be entered to the TUI by pressing the : key, the same as in Vim.

Run the help command to view more detailed help.

youtube-tui help

Env variables can be used by passing in as ${key}, such as :channel ${channel-id} when in a video or playlist page.

Loadpage commands can also be used when launching, for example youtube-tui loadpage popular or youtube-tui popular.

Commands can be joined together using ;;.

Below are the avaliable commands:


loadpage can be used to load a specific page.

loadpage [page]


history is used to manage page history (Backspace equivalent).

history back
history clear


reload // reloads the page
reload configs // reload config files in ~/.config/youtube-tui/
run [command]
parrun [command]
key [keycode] [keymodifier]
echo [mode] (message) # run youtube-tui help to learn more about modes

The flush command is used to run all tasks in queue immediately, this is usually done automatically.

But for when tasks are stacked up in the same event loop and the order of which they are executed matters, this command can be used to force the already stacked up commands to be ran first.

run is used for running blocking commands, while parrun is non-blocking.

Valid keycodes are the same as in keybindings.yml and commandbindings.yml. For a full list of keys, check out KeyCodeSerde in /src/config/

More about keymodifiers can be found in the doc page for keybindings.yml


bookmark [id]                   Bookmark item with ID (item must be already loaded)
unmark [id]                     Remove bookmark item with ID
togglemark [id]                 Toggle bookmark status
sub/sync [id or url]            Add channel to subscription, or sync an existing channel
unsub [id or url]               Remove channel from subscription
syncall                         Sync all subscriptions

MPV commands

Only with the mpv feature.

mpv prop [label]                Gets mpv property
mpv sprop [label] [value]       Set mpv property
mpv tprop [label] [value]       Toggle a yes/no property
mpv [command]                   Runs a libmpv command

Note that properties and commands are libmpv commands, not mpv commands. Please refer to mpv reference.

Text commands

Text commands generates a text only response without launching the TUI.


Command bindings

Commands can be binded to keys just like normal key bindings, bindings can be edited in commandbindings.yml. Below are the default bindings:

Ctrl + FOpen page in browser
Ctrl + CCopy page url
Ctrl + PPlay hovered video
Ctrl + APlay hovered audio
Shift + APlay hovered audio on repeat (shuffled if hovering a playlist)