Since there is only one datatype in BitScript, casting isn't really a thing.
However, what is a possible is accepting inputs of octal, denary, and hexidecimal numbers. And opposite to that - displaying variables in that format.
Input casting
dclr store 0 # decalre a dummy variable
inpt store # now accepting only binary numbers
inpt o store # now accepting only octal numbers
inpt d store # now accepting only denary numbers
inpt h store # now accepting only hexidecimal numbers
Output casting
dbg 1100 # 1100
dbg OCT(1100) # 14
dbg DEN(1100) # 12
dbg HEX(1100) # C
Assign casting
dclr store 0
store = 1100 # 1100
store =o 14 # 1100
store =d 12 # 1100
store =h C # 1100