Hello world

To display the text "Hello world", create a file hello_world.bs.

# hello_world.bs

# this is a comment

disp Hello world\n # disp [string]

Save the file and run bitr display. Alternatively, you can run it in the repl, start the repl with bitr.


dbg display values with no formatting.

dbg 1 # 1
dbg AND(1, 0) # 0
dbg NOT(11001101) # 00110010
dbg DEN(1111) # 15, DEN for denary (base 10)


disp display strings with formatting arguments. Use singe quotes ('') to preserve leading/trailing spaces, and curly braces ({}) for values.

disp This is a string.\n # This is a string.
disp 'Enter a value: ' # Enter a value: 
disp 1 and 1 is {AND(1, 1)} # 1 and 1 is 1